The role of computed tomography in the early detection of damage to the small intestine and mesentery in closed combined trauma (clinical case)

Автор: Popova I. E., Khamidova L. T., Titova G. P., Barmina T. G., Zabavskaya O. A., Plyusova N. S., Sementsova O. V., Rogal M. M.

Журнал: Вестник медицинского института "РЕАВИЗ": реабилитация, врач и здоровье @vestnik-reaviz

Рубрика: Клинический случай

Статья в выпуске: 6 т.13, 2023 года.

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Introduction. The number of victims with abdominal trauma over the past 20 years has not tended to decrease due to an increase in the number of road accidents, falls from heights, man-made disasters and natural disasters. Diagnosis of damage to hollow organs should be fast and accurate, since the time factor in providing medical care to such patients is crucial. The delay of surgery for intestinal injury for 24 hours or more is associated with an increase in the mortality rate of up to 30%. In such cases, computed tomography is the method of choice for hemodynamically stable patients with closed abdominal trauma.The aim is to demonstrate the possibilities of computed tomography in the early detection of damage to the small intestine and mesentery using the example of a clinical case of closed combined abdominal trauma with damage to a hollow organ and multiple injuries of the musculoskeletal system.Materials and methods. A clinical case of combined trauma of a patient in a traffic accident is described.Conclusion. In this clinical case, the victim with a combined injury was shown the modern possibilities of computed tomography in early detection of damage to the walls of the small intestine and mesentery, which made it possible to make a timely decision on emergency surgery, avoid serious complications, restore the patient's ability to work and quality of life.


Computed tomography, small intestine injury, closed abdominal injury, combined injury

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IDR: 143181098   |   DOI: 10.20340/vmi-rvz.2023.6.CASE.1

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