The role of personality-oriented approach in the process of professional training of future actors of musical theater on the example of teaching dance disciplines

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The study reveals the peculiarities of the personality oriented approach of the modern pedagogical concept focused on the personal interests and abilities of students. It considers the formation of the origins of the person centered approach in Russian pedagogy in the middle of the 19th century. The content, key provisions, goals and objectives of the person centered approach in choreography pedagogy are defined. Personality oriented approach is proposed as an alternative to traditional methods of teaching dance to musical theater actors. The role of the personality oriented approach as an effective means of teaching dance at musical theater faculties of theater universities is substantiated. It is suggested that the application of personality oriented approach in the process of teaching dance to musical theater actors contributes to the maximum disclosure of individual choreographic potential of each of them in the conditions of significant differentiation of initial choreographic training.


Personality-oriented approach, pedagogy, actor's education, training, choreography, dance, creativity, stage work

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144163003   |   DOI: 10.2441/2310-1679-2023-451-109-117

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