The role of local markets in providing stability of regional economy in the time of conversion to innovation model of development

Автор: Vasileva Zoya Andreevna, Filimonenko Irina Vladimirovna, Lukjanova Anna Aleksandrovna, Falaleev Albert Nikolaevich

Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau

Рубрика: Экономика

Статья в выпуске: 5 (57), 2014 года.

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In the time of economic model changes the regional economic systems' (RES) internal transformation flatness increases inevitably, the contradictions between supply and demand on the local markets become sharper, that reduces to structural misbalance' increase and RES stability decrease. The most part of the problems numbered is specified by contemporary economic development peculiarities: spatial type of placement, technologically heterogeneous economy and trade irregularity of the innovation development, in consequence of which the needs of economic players are various in different sectors. As the result, the tasks ofproviding conditions for existing competitive products and traditional economic resources, stable work of the market, and new innovation products and new quality of resources markets formation as well come into existence. This period offeatures investigation allowed scrutinizing RES' firmness as the aptitude for persistent increase of socio-economic development indicators in the terms of resources usage efficiency rise, and also as the facility for retention of target trajectory of development in terms of structural changes in the regional economic sections. The existence of cause-and-effect relations between the development processes in the market reproduction subsystem of the region and the economic growth effects uncover the local market role (elements of the market subsystem, structural factors of growth, economic development indicators) and the various aspects of impact on the RES' firmness, make possible to use the local markets to manage RES stability. The systemic type of local market influence on the regional economic stability is substantiated in the article. The necessity of two groups of conditions forming is determined. These two groups consist of indispensable and sufficient factors for achievement of regional development effects in the regional economic segments and provide balanced changes in the local market system.


Local market, the regional economic system stability, conversion to innovation model of development, indispensable and sufficient factors of stability, balance

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IDR: 148177360

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