The role of fire training in the activities of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, its improvement at the training stage

Бесплатный доступ

Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia are obliged to ensure security by any legal measures, one of which is the use of firearms. Even during the training period, the cadets study the theoretical and practical aspects of the production of a shot. The purpose of the study is to identify problems that interfere with effective shooting, as well as to developways to solve them. In the study, we used theoretical (analysis, generalization), practical (comparison, description) formal legal methods. We have analyzed a regulatory legal act that has not yet entered into force, which regulates a new approach to the educational process in the context of fire training, as well as the further implementation of inspections of this training among employees of the UIS. Unfortunately, the problems of fear of a shot, lack of effectiveness and results as such worsen the practical activity of an employee, which can lead to irreversible consequences. In this regard, it seems advisable to develop new teaching methods, for example, video recording of shooting, the use of light and noise effects.


Fire training, employees of the federal penitentiary service of Russia, cadets, firearms, shooting course exercises, educational organizations of the federal penitentiary service of Russia, psychological training

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IDR: 142240216

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