A.P. Gaidar books role in the moral and spiritual patriotic education of schoolchildren

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The Article is devoted to the analysis of the role of A. Gaidar's books in moral and patriotic education of schoolchildren. The aim of the article is to restore the A. Gaidar’s books in the school curriculum in literature. Unfortunately,the majority of schoolchildren are not familiar with the works of Gaidar, as they are not included in the school curriculum. Today, when there is a deformation of the spiritual and moral values of Russian society, Gaidar's works are an effective means of protecting the younger generation from moral degeneration. Materials and methods: the Novelty of the work lies in a new approach to the A.P. Gaidar’s works. Relying on the comparative and chronological research methods, the author proves that A. Gaidar achieves success in the moral, spiritual and patriotic education of schoolchildren, through the use of the folk tale’s moral potential. Results: Analyzing A. Gaidar’s works, the author concludes that the success of the writer in the moral, ethical and Patriotic education of schoolchildren is associated with a special approach to the genetic code of the Russian child, which for centuries had been formed by a folk tale. Discussion and conclusion: A. Gaidar, who uses the child's love for a fairy tale, provides very child-friendly texts using genre features of tales, given the role of the successor of the "national spiritual experience". On the one hand, he creates his literary tales, on the other, uses the poetic devices of fairy-tale genre, transforming them into one of the tools of his own poetic style.


Fairy tale, literary fairy tale, tradition, repetitions, fantastic intonation, information culture, moral, spiritual and patriotic education

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148314363

IDR: 148314363

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