The role of psychological competence of the teacher as a key resource in achieving success of students in the educational process

Автор: Akkozhoeva A.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Педагогические науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.10, 2024 года.

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Analyzes the theoretical foundations of psychological competence of a teacher as one of the key factors of success in higher education. The author proposes a structure of psychological competence of a teacher, which is able to form an image of a teacher as a multifaceted and psychologically stable personality with a well-organized internal structure. The results of the study, based on the analysis of data collected with the help of a specially designed questionnaire, confirm the significance of the psychological competence of the teacher for the success of students in the educational process.

Education, competence, learner, interest, stimulation, students, supervision

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129789   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/101/65

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