The role of Russian philology in the spiritual education of the youth of Yakutia

Автор: Zalutskaya Svetlana Yuryevna

Журнал: Общество: социология, психология, педагогика @society-spp

Рубрика: Педагогика

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2019 года.

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The study describes the role of Russian philology in the creation of the spiritual space of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The urgency of this problem stems from the specific nature of the region, i.e. there is a multicultural, polylingual interaction of the representatives of 120 peoples in the largest constituent entity in the Russian Federation. In this context, Russian philology is not only a field of humanitarian knowledge and research but also a significant means of developing the inner world of young people, would-be Russian language and literature teachers, philologists, experts in mass communications. The research identifies the place of Russian philology in the educational environment of North-Eastern Federal University, a scientific, educational, and cultural center of the peoples of Yakutia. One of its pivotal tasks is to educate a many-sided personality of students, develop their readiness to adapt to a multipolar world, social and professional fields. Spirituality and aspirations for the highest human values seem to be an important part of such personality. Meeting the spiritual needs of young people is a great goal of the university’s humanitarian environment. Its achievement is promoted by Russian philology as a combination of knowledge and ideas about the culture of the people expressed in words. The attraction of students to humanitarian values is exemplified. The author reveals the importance of the cooperation of the School of Philology of North-Eastern Federal University with Yakutsk and Lensk diocese in the study of Russian philology, the creation of the university’s spiritual environment, the preservation and development of cultural traditions of the Northern region’s peoples.


Russian philology, russian language, literature, culture, university, spirituality, youth, orthodoxy, humanitarization, polyethnic region

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149133346   |   DOI: 10.24158/spp.2019.5.14

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