Russia and Kazakhstan: history of mutual relations as a culture dialogue

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Introduction: relations between Russia and Kazakhstan have always played an important role in socio-cultural and economic country development and have largely determined the stability of their geopolitical position. The significant period of common statehood and traditions of contacts have formed the socio-cultural context for the development of modern relations between the peoples of the two countries. The article analyzes the relationship between Russia and Kazakhstan in the specific historical conditions of their development. The purpose of the study is understanding the achievements of cooperation between the countries based on the historical experience of bilateral cooperation. Materials and methods: the author's analysis is based on Russian-Kazakh relations' history, which contains both unique phenomena of interethnic interaction and phenomena that characterize the universe of historical and cultural relations. The paper uses methodological approaches that allow us to generalize and analyze various facts of the intercultural communication history, from casual to multi-causal: "dialogue of cultures" principle in the analysis of sociocultural Russian-Kazakh relations' history; axiological approach that allows us to assess the historical dynamics of the value cultural bases; historical phenomenology that reveals the mental causes of Russian-Kazakh cultural ties, and increasing cultural interdependence (A.S. Lappo-Danilevsky). The study was led by a sociocultural approach that allows us to analyze in unity the different sides of the historical people's interaction in two countries and to explicate the historical semantics of cultural phenomena. Research result: the problem's historiography is analyzed, starting from the XVIII century. Also, we have revealed the significance for the modern theory and practice of building an intercultural dialogue. Discussion and conclusion: the practical significance of the study is based on using long-standing traditions' possibility of diverse Russian-Kazakh interaction in the current stage of multilateral cooperation between neighboring countries, that stimulates interest in Russian and Kazakh history, language, peoples and culture.


Russia and kazakhstan, interaction agents, relations' history, intercultural dialogue, russian-kazakh relations

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ID: 148314364
