Growth of manufacturing industries as a vector of sustainable development of fuel and energy complex in regions of Russia
Автор: Zemlyacheva E.
Журнал: Региональная экономика. Юг России @re-volsu
Рубрика: Фундаментальные исследования пространственной экономики
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.12, 2024 года.
Бесплатный доступ
The article is devoted to the identification of opportunities for using growth of manufacturing industries as a vector of sustainable development of the fuel and energy complex in the regions of Russia. Based on statistics of the Federal Service for State Statistics for 2022, a factor analysis of the sustainability of the fuel and energy complex was carried out using regression analysis. The regression model gave wide opportunities for the use of growth of manufacturing industries as a vector of sustainable development of the fuel and energy complex in the regions of Russia. The scientific novelty of the modeling results is explained because they gave a new vision of the sustainability of the fuel and energy complex. At the meso-level, regional economic systems in our country can achieve sustainability not only through the fuel and energy complex’s own growth potential but also through the realization of its strategically important infrastructural role in supporting the development of domestic manufacturing industries. This new vision made it possible to clarify exactly how different factors influence the sustainability of the fuel and energy complex in domestic regions in the current conditions of the worsening sanctions crisis. Based on the author’s point of view, the article presents an improved management approach, original in that organizational and management activities in it in the fuel and energy complex are focused on a more full support of the development of manufacturing industries as a source of growth and development of the regional economy. The approach will help improve the management efficiency of sustainable development in the fuel and energy sectors. It is supplemented by a forecast for the period until 2028, the practical significance of which is that it can be used as a “road map” in the development and implementation of state policy to support the sustainability of the fuel and energy complex in domestic regions.
Vector of sustainable development, fuel and energy complex, growth of manufacturing industries, regions of Russia, sustainability management of the fuel and energy complex
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 149146914 | DOI: 10.15688/re.volsu.2024.3.4