Russia and the west: from the new international order to a greeping versailles

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The possibility of changing the oral international agreements achieved after the Cold War that were supposed to eliminate a slightly possibility of martial conflicts appearance is viewed in the article. The agreements were changed to the use of power politics. The priority of the national objectives came to the first plan. It is said about the Russia's desire to recuperate its empire in order to eliminate the possibility for its former members to become a place for location of military bases and consequently of attacs to Russia.

Bipolarism, caucasian crisis, cold war, georgia, multi-polar system, nato, rusia, usa, versailles treaty, world war

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IDR: 14031054

Список литературы Russia and the west: from the new international order to a greeping versailles

  • Spinelli, Barbara. La Russia e la pace sbagliata//"La Stampa", 24 agosto 2008.
  • Bush, G.H. & Scowcroft, B. A World Transformed, N.Y. 1999.
  • Kissinger, Henry & Shultz, George. Finding a Common Ground//"International Herald Tribune", October 1, 2008.
  • Primakov, Eugeny. Dall' Urss alla Russia, 2005.
  • Kagan, Robert. The Return of History and the End of Dreams, New York, 2008.
  • Mearsheimer, John. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, New York & London, 2001.
  • Mearsheimer, John. Back to the Future//International Security, Summer 1990.
  • de'Robertis, A.G. Il Ritorno della storia e la politica di potenza, Affari Esteri, n. 160, Aut. 2008.
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