«Russian Europeanism» and its historical types in the light of the dialectics of the particular

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The article realized analyzed liberal, conservative and socialist interpretations of "Russian Euro peanism" as ways and moments of self determination Russia. The author shows, that "Russian Europeanism" was the assimilation of European experience in the light of the contradictory nature of the latter. Using the example of P. Y. Chaadaev, it is examined how paradoxically the liberal idea decomposed on Russian soil even before it took root in Russia. In these conditions Chaadaev's interpretation of "Russian Europeanism" looks like liberal posturing and "Russian dandyism". The author emphasizes that already in its origins I. V. Kireevsky's position was a reflection of the contradictions of the liberal development of Europe, which grew out of a similar conservative reaction to liberalism in Europe itself. "Russian socialism" A. I. Herzen is examined in the context of the pan European socialist movement. The author proceeds on the basis, that "Russian Europeanism" can be adequately understood not as a transfer of European values, ways of thinking and acting on Russian soil, but as a way of self determination of Russia, the formation of its special destiny and culture, which occurs through the assimilation of European experience and attitude to classical ideals at the point of their intersection with the existing cultural tradition.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144162960

IDR: 144162960   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2023-5115-17-32

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