«Russian world» as a «country-civilisation» and its self-consciousness

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The article specifies the characteristics of the “Russian world” as a “country civilisation” and a “cultural historical community” of a new type. We are talking about the complex spiritual structure of the “Russian world”, the core of which are spiritual ties of people of supra ethnic, supra national and supra confessional level. “Russian world” is impossible without the Russian people, the Russian language and Orthodoxy, but being in the stage of active development, it is wider than the “Orthodox world”. The priority goal of the “Russian world” is the development of an all Russian civil and spiritual moral identity, which is the identity of a multiethnic and multi confessional people. The core of this identity is made up of traditional spiritual and moral values of our peoples, which do not oppose the foundations of universal morality and other religions.


Russian world, cultural and historical community

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144163036

IDR: 144163036   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-3119-63-67

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