Self-educational activity of university students in the study of differential equations

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The article discusses one of the ways of organizing self-educational activities of students (SDS) when studying mathematics at a technical university. In the context of the transition to state standards of a new generation, the problem of the organization of SODS is particularly important, since its volume should be at least half of the total number of hours provided for the study of the discipline. In this paper, a matrix model of the organization of students' self-educational activities is used, which provides the organization of disciplinary modules and the systematization of educational tasks at four levels of complexity. Cognitive levels are highlighted: perception, comprehension, algorithmization and control, which represent one of the possible structures of the cognitive process. Combining the levels of cognitive process and self-educational activity made it possible to obtain a matrix model of the organization of the SODS, which was applied to the study of mathematics by students of the construction and economics faculties of Samara State University of Railways, which made it possible to guarantee their assimilation of educational material with a quality not lower than basic. An example of a test task of the second level of complexity is given, which allows students to self-test their knowledge and assess the level of assimilation of educational information, while acquiring self-education and self-assessment skills.


Self-educational activity, matrix model of the organization of self-educational activity, cognitive levels, levels of complexity, cognitive activity matrix, coefficient of assimilation of educational material, self-testing, self-assessment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148325586   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2022-24-86-36-41

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