Departments selfinspection in procedure of internal assessment of university activity

Автор: Vasilyeva E.U., Shestakova M.V.

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Управление качеством в вузе

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2009 года.

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Technology of selfinspection of departments is covered in article as well as high school. The example of the realization of the procedure of selfinspection of departments in North state medical university shows how can be the results of selfinspection of departments used for improvement of the educational ambience of the high school.

Selfinspection, department, high school, technology, swot-анализ, swot-analysis, information card, estimation, licensing, accreditation

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