Search for broadband signals ground-based radio navigation system
Автор: Musonov V.M., Romanov A.P.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Informatics, computer technology and management
Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.23, 2022 года.
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In the present paper, a method of temporary search for broadband of frequency manipulation with minimal shift keying (MSK) signals of ground-based radio navigation systems (RNS) is considered. The method is based on a multi-alternative optimal signal detection (the signal may belong to one of the orthogonal signals) using the evaluation-correlation principle of processing (ECPP) under conditions of a priori uncertainty. The problem of representing broadband MSK signal as a signal with double discrete frequency-phase modulation (FPM) was solved. The law of phase manipulation in the form of a binary sequence of elements lb of a length code τ э L (in the “Sprut” RNS, 16383 L , 2.5 э mcs is the duration of the signal element) is defined through the law of frequency manipulation in the form of a binary sequence of elements ld of a known length L code. The representation of the signal in the form FPM allows, during correlation processing, to replace the correlation integral on the interval [0, τ]э L by L the sum of correlation integrals on the intervals [0, τ]э or by L the sum of element-by-element correlations. The calculation of element-by-element correlations allows the use of a matrix apparatus for the ECPP of the analyzed signal. With the technical implementation of the “search” procedure, there is no need to form 2L pairs of reference quadrature signals with the length L of the modulating code, and instead of that a pair of element-by-element correlations is memorized and over time τэ , according to a code element lkd , cyclically shifted by 1 k elements, frequency manipulation and a code element klb , cyclically shifted by 1 k elements, phase manipulation, block-by-block accumulation L of quadrature correlations is performed. The use of upper-left and lower-right triangular matrices with binary elements klb makes it possible to search for broadband MSK signal with additional phase manipulation of a discrete information message. The structure of the optimal algorithm of parallel search for ECPP of the broadband MSK signal with the use of a matrix apparatus, which allows to implement the optimal algorithm “of search” during the duration τэ L of the signal in real time.
Signals with frequency-phase manipulation, quadrature correlations, element-by-element correlations, binary matrix, upper (lower) triangular matrix
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329636 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2022-23-3-391-408
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