Selenium in the nutrition of athletes: physiological and hygienic aspects

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The article analyzes the data of the scientific literature of recent years on the physiological role and hygienic significance of the vital trace element selenium. Attention is paid to the analysis of information about the role of this bioelement in maintaining the antioxidant status and physical performance of athletes during physical exertion. It is noted that adequate provision of the body with selenium is a necessary condition for normal metabolism, functioning of the antioxidant, immune, cardiovascular systems, and thyroid gland. To prevent selenium deficiency in the body of athletes, optimizing nutrition is of paramount importance. The use of pharmacological preparations and biologically active food additives containing selenium can be recommended only if there is a laboratory - confirmed deficiency of this trace element in the body of athletes.


Selenium, antioxidants, glutathione peroxidase, antioxidant status, physical performance, nutrition of athletes

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IDR: 142241873

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