The Khakass family-kindred relations and an Aal community in XIX - beginning XX of century as the forms of collective interaction and mutual assistance

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The publication represents the analysis of one of the aspects of the archaic period of social work in the territory of the Republic of Khakassia, in particular the family-kindred relations and an Aal community of the Khakass people in the XIXth c and the early XXth as the basis of the formation of the forms of assistance and mutual assistance. In its ethnic history the Khakass traditional society worked out the protection mechanisms for its members, family-kindred relations and an Aal community were the basis for organizing help and mutual assistance of such categories as the old people, women, children, young families, the disabled, the poor who have found themselves in the socially vulnerable situation because of certain psycho-physiological reasons. Help and support were rendered within the clan and Aal community that served a condition of the ethnos vital capacity.


Khakassia, khakass ethnos, mutual assistance, social work, patrimonial community, aal community

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IDR: 14737301

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