Semiclassical description of the electromagnetic radiation by accelerated charged distributions

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We review our recent results on the electromagnetic radiation produced by charge distributions in the framework of a semiclassical approach. In this approach, currents, generating the radiation are considered classically, while the quantum nature of the radiation is kept exactly. Pertinent quantities to the radiation problem are calculated with the aid of transition probabilities, whose quantum states of the electromagnetic field have well-defined number of photons and are solutions of the corresponding Schro¨dinger’s equation. We summarize the calculation of the total energy and and rates radiated by point charges accelerated by electromagnetic fields and compare our results with those obtained in classical electrodynamics.


Classical electrodynamics, electromagnetic radiation, quantum mechanics, schr¨odinger equation

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IDR: 142240750   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2226-8812.2023.3-4.12-20

Список литературы Semiclassical description of the electromagnetic radiation by accelerated charged distributions

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