Shert of the peoples of Siberia under the accession to Russia

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In the paper of the international legal analysis shertovania of the peoples of Siberia in their acceptance of the citizenship of Russia. In the context of shert of certificates and records, the data of Russia's rulers Qasim, Crimea, the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates, Nogai Horde, the Bashkirs, the peoples of Northern Caucasus, considered шертные of ratification of the Siberian Khan Ereniak, Khant and Mansi princes of the XV – XVI centuries. The analysis of shertovania of peoples of Siberia of the Cossacks Ermak. Considered activity of the Embassy of the order on elaboration of the procedure for acceptance in citizenship of the peoples of Siberia and the practice of its application in Yakutia, Buryatia, lake Baikal region, the Trans-Baikal and the Amur region. Is established, that shertovania was the result of international talks on the terms and conditions of the sovereigns of indigenous peoples of Siberia of the Russian citizenship and was sertnii certificates and records – disparate international treaties. In a subsequent international legal obligations of the indigenous peoples of Siberia incorporated into the national legislation of Russia. The analysis of safeguards shert records – shert as sacred oaths and capture аманатов (the hostages).


Russia, siberia, international treaty, shert

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IDR: 147218838

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