“The helmet of horror” by V.Pelevin and “The garden of forking paths” by J.L. Borges: the image of labyrinth

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The interpretations of the labyrinth theme in J. L. Borges’ and V. O. Pelevin’s creative work are considered. The novel-chat «The Helmet of Horror» (2005) by V. O. Pelevin and the story «The Garden of Forking Paths» by J. L. Borghes (1944) are thoroughly analyzed in the light of the authors’ interest to the antique mythology («Theseus and the Minotaur» myth) and to the culture of the Orient.

V. o. pelevin, x.л. борхес, j. l. borges, story, zen buddhism, narrative, labyrinth

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148180645

IDR: 148180645

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