Similarity of meanings of words related to syngarmonism in the Kyrgyz language and Diwan Lughat at-Turk a work by Mahmud al-Kashgari

Автор: Tokosheva Jamila

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Филологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 9 т.6, 2020 года.

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Many words in the Diwan Lughat at-Turk a work by the great scientist and Turkologist of the Turkic-speaking nations Mahmud al-Kashgari are used in the modern Kyrgyz language in their original form. This article examines the preservation of vowel harmony in some words in the Diwan Lughat at-Turk a work by Mahmud al-Kashgari and in the modern Kyrgyz language. The article tells that the overwhelming part of the vowel harmony in the modern Kyrgyz language has its roots in ancient times. Historical and semantic connection of the following words of Turkic origin are considered on the basis of comparative analysis: kargylach - karlygach (swift); bazgaan - bazgan (blacksmith’s hammer); bazram - mayram (holiday) etc., as well as the compliance with the full vowel harmony; partial vowel harmony in the work or the violation of vowel harmony with the participation of lips: buchkag - buchkak (one of the four sides of the universe); ular - ular (mountain turkey); sanduvach - bulbul (nightingale) and others. The source for this article was the translation of Diwan Lughat at-Turk into Kyrgyz by T. Tokoev and K. Koshmokov.


Vowel harmony, lexis, full and partial vowel harmony, lexical meanings, active vocabulary

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14117906   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/58/45

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