Singapore on the way to the Arctic

Автор: Valeriy P. Zhuravel, Artem P. Danilov

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: The Arctic Twenty: 12 observer countries of the Arctic Council

Статья в выпуске: 24, 2016 года.

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Singapore’s Arctic interests and needs are analyzed. If China, Japan and South Korea consider the Arctic as a source of oil and gas, Singapore is interested not so much in the mineral resources of the region, but in the use of their technologies for their production. For Singapore, the Arctic is a platform on which its innovation and technology can find a place. Singapore has achieved the status of a permanent observer in the Arctic Council, which for him is a convenient position for careful monitoring of Arctic political changes.

Arctic, Singapore, the Arctic Council, an observer country, the Arctic Institute interests and needs

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IDR: 148318643   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2221-2698.2016.24.145

Список литературы Singapore on the way to the Arctic

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  • Strany-nabliudateli v Arkticheskom sovete: pozitsiia i motivy deiatel'nosti. M.: ANO «Tsentr strategicheskikh otsenok i prognozov», 2014.
  • Pestsov S.K., Tolstokulakov I.A., Labiuk A.I., Kolegova E.A. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo v Arktike: interesy i strategii stran Aziatsko-Tikhookeanskogo regiona. URL: (accessed: 15 June 2016).
  • Piliasov A.N. Sravnitel'nyi analiz natsional'nykh arkticheskikh strategii. Aktual'nye problemy mirovoi politiki v XXI veke: sb. statei /pod red. V.S. Iag'ia, M.L. Lagutinoi, T.S. Nemchinovoi. SPb: SPbGU, 2014.
  • Kolegova E.A. Interesy i politika stran Iugo-Vostochnoi Azii v Arktike. Arktika v sovremennoi mirovoi politike: mesto v natsional'nykh vneshnepoliticheskikh interesakh (Po materialam kruglogo stola), Otdel izucheniia mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii i problem bezopasnosti IIAE DVO RAN, 13 noiabria 2014, pp. 43—46. URL: (accessed: 15 June 2016).
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