24, 2016 - Arctic and North

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ID: 148318633 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148318633

Содержание выпуска 24, 2016 Arctic and North

Economics, political science, society and culture

Ilya F. Vereschagin, Evgenia A. Sergicheva Moral values in family relations of youth in Arkhangelsk 5

The Arctic Twenty: 12 observer countries of the Arctic Council

Elena V. Ananieva, Natalia M. Antyushina The Arctic policy of the UK 61
Vladislav B. Belov Germany's strategy for the Arctic 85
Valeriy P. Zhuravel, Artem P. Danilov Singapore on the way to the Arctic 127
Tatyana L. Shaumyan, Valeriy P. Zhuravel India and the Arctic: environment, economy and politics 153

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