Synthesis and structure of tetra- and tri- p-tolylantimony benzoates

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Tetra- p-tolylantimony (I) benzoate has been obtained by interaction of penta- p- tolylantimony with benzoic acid or dibenzoate tri- p-tolylantimony in toluene. Tri- p- tolylantimony (II) dibenzoate has been synthesized by the oxidative addition reaction of tri- p-tolylantimony and benzoic acid in ether, in the presence of tret-butyl hydroperoxide. X-ray diffraction analysis of I and II has shown that the coordination of antimony atoms is trigonal-bipyramidal with the oxygen atom of the carboxyl groups in the axial positions, and intramolecular contacts between the carbonyl oxygen atoms and the central atom are present.

Synthesis, structure, benzoate, tetra and tri- p-tolylantimony

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IDR: 147160295

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