Synthesis and structure of ruthenium complexes [Ph4P][trans-RuCl4(dmso-S)2] and [Ph4Sb(dmso-O)][trans-RuCl4(dmso-S)2]

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Ruthenium complexes [Ph4P][trans-RuCl4(dmso-S)2] (1) and [Ph4Sb(dmso-O)][trans-RuCl4(dmso-S)2] (2) have been synthesized by interaction of tetraphenylphosphonium and tetraphenylstibonium chlorides in dimethylsulfoxide. Their structures have been characterized. According to the X-ray data, the phosphorus atoms in cation 1 have a slightly distorted tetrahedral coordination (P-C 1.756(16)-1.794(19) Å, CPС 105.4(7)°-111.8(5)°), and the antimony atoms in cation 2 have a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal coordination with the dimethyl sulfoxide oxygen atom in the axial position (Sb-O 2.633(15) Å, Sb-C 2.094(15)-2.146(15) Å, CSbO 178.54(16)°). In the [trans-RuCl4(dmso-S)2]- octahedral anion complexes 1 and 2 dimethylsulfoxide ligands are coordinated to the metal atoms by sulfur atoms (Ru-S 2.349(3), Ru-Cl 2.353(5), 2.355(3) Å and 2.332(3)-2.344(6), 2.336(4)-2.353(3) Å, respectively; angles SRuS and trans-ClRuCl constitute 180°.


Synthesis, complex, tetraphenylphosphonium cation, tetraphenylstibonium cation, trans-bis(dimethylsulfoxidо)tetrachlororuthenate-anion, structure, x-ray diffraction analysis

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147160390   |   DOI: 10.14529/chem170208

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