Decision support system for selecting the type of shell-and-tube heat exchanger

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The article discusses the development of an ontology for the subject area using a shell-and-tube heat exchanger as an example. This ontology enables the selection of the type of heat exchanger (fixed tube sheets, compensator, U-shaped tubes) based on the coolant (ammonia, methanol), heat exchange process conditions (pressure, temperature), and the geometric parameters of the heat exchanger (device diameter). The ontology is designed for use in the hardware design phase of chemical-engineering systems. A functional model is presented that outlines the key stages and information flows in the hardware design of chemical-engineering systems. Each design stage utilises an information model, converting the input information flow into an output one. The article describes an information model for selecting the type of heat exchanger, represented by production rules, which includes operators for determining the material of the heat exchanger elements based on the coolant, material-specific design, and the type of heat exchanger. A prototype of the described information model is implemented in the Protégé ontology editor. The ontology and an example query for determining the type of heat exchanger for a given coolant and heat exchange process parameters are provided. The data for creating the ontology are sourced from regulatory design documents. The article concludes that an ontological approach is feasible for creating "smart" design documents, including standards and technical specifications comprehensible to both humans and computers.


Chemical production, process equipment, heat exchanger, designing, functional model, information model, ontology, decision making

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170207435   |   DOI: 10.18287/2223-9537-2024-14-4-595-606

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