System of vocational education in the state of Mizoram, India

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State of Mizoram belongs to a number of small regions of India. Located in the extreme northeast of republic, on border with Myanma and Bangladesh, it sharply differs from other territories of India. The people living here and tribes have kept unique culture, traditions and the customs, leaving the roots deep into centuries. In 1987 Mizoram has received the status of the 23rd state of republic. The accelerated process of Mizoram societies modernisation begins. Authorities have turned special attention on developing the regional system of vocational education. The first university is founded in Mizoram, the network of colleges, the vocational education centres has extended. However, all transformations and innovations are carefully verified with traditional values of Mizoram societies, customs and culture of the unique people and the tribes living in this amazing corner of India.


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IDR: 14899806

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