Effective university contract management system in the context of professional standards implementation

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The article describes experience of University of Finance in adapting effective contract system in the context of transition to professional standard “Lecturer in the field of professional training, education and supplementary professional education”. Information presented in the article includes a case with solution and reflects the task of introducing efficacy criteria and indicators of academic and teaching staff (ATS) considering review of their labor functions according to professional standard. Case. Influence of professional standard on the system of effective contract management and university efficacy. Initial indicators: Professional standard. Development strategy of the University of Finance. 3. Efficacy indicators from score and rating system on evaluating personal input of academic and teaching staff members. Labor agreements with academic and teaching staff members. 5. Duties of academic and teaching staff members. Individual workplan for academic and teaching staff members. The task reflected in the article is solved as a result of involving key specialists into project and workgroups activities of which are related to stage by stage implementation of effective contract system at the University of Finance. The results of performed activities: - Improved and reformulated forms of labor contracts with academic and teaching staff members; their time norms; local norms regulating salary; individual planning system; - Designed and implemented evaluation sheets, library of efficacy criteria and indicators; - Creation of commission on evaluating efficacy of academic and teaching staff activities. Practical recommendations formulated in the article take a form of description of a process of integrating existing system of regulating academic and teaching staff activities and their salary into new context related to using effective contract considering labor functions and activities, described in detail by professional standard. Academic novelty is in practical experience of reviewing academic and teaching staff labor functions, criteria and indicators of their efficacy according to professional standard of teacher and University of Finance development strategy. The value of this article is in recommendations for university top managers concerning creating overall approach to managing effective labor contract system.


University of finance, effective contract system management, criteria and indicators of efficacy, academic and teaching staff, professional standard, labor function, efficacy coefficient, labor agreement, individual workplan, fixed and variable salary part, evaluation list


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227154

IDR: 142227154

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