Dictionary of emotional-evaluative words in paradigm of active lexicography

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The authors examine issues related to the creation of new generation dictionaries and reflection of pragmatically marked vocabulary in them. Within cognitive and communicative-pragmatic studies some resulting material has been received, it allows to implement in the lexicographical description an integrated model of lexical values, considering not only system properties of a word, but also its communicative behavior. The idea of the universal dictionary is formed within the framework of the anthropocentric lexicography, including such different types of dictionaries as systematic, explanatory, ideographic and associative. Modern theoretical lexicography has been discussing the problem of creating a universal / active vocabulary: the purpose of the dictionary, the factor of the recipient, the amount of lexicographic information, methods of presentation, the structure of the dictionary article, sources and the metalanguage of description. Ways of lexicographizing of pragmatical information in a word meaning have been actively studied in Russian philology since the early 1980s in relation to emotive-evaluative vocabulary: “the linguist has to work at all space of lexemes and consider all types of their behavior which aren't provided in the dictionary” (V. N. Teliya). Semantization of emotional-evaluative, national-cultural, ideological, gender, social and other information depends on the type of dictionary: traditional explanatory dictionary, the dictionary of the active type or, for example, an electronic lexicographical database that implements principles of communicative-oriented lexicographical source. Such vocabulary can demonstrate lexicographical history of the word and dynamic processes in the Russian pragmatically marked dictionary. Electronic dictionaries containing navigation systems and possessing features of hypertext represent different areas of semantics, belonging to a particular thematic class, pragmatics and functioning, and their interaction.


Active type dictionary, structure of a pragmatic macrocomponent, dynamic processes, russian pragmatically marked lexicon database, macrocomponent

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219841

IDR: 147219841   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2017-16-9-11-21

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