Social significance and some manifestations of economic activity of the dominant religious institution: the roman-catholic church of France

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The research is focused on manifestation of the social role and economic activity of the country's dominant religious institution, Roman Catholic Church of France (RCCF), in the conditions of functioning of the model of state-church relations in France. Research hypothesis: RCCF, despite the secular trends in European society and other factors restricting its influence at present stage, remains an important religious institution in French society that has a significant impact on the socio-economic development of the country and its individual regions. The work substantiates culture-creating role of the RCCF in the country, based on the analysis in the dynamics of the initial statistical data concerning the degree of active participation of the population in religious ceremonies and rituals. The authors reveal nature, directions and main methods of implementation of the RCCF activities related to its social responsibility. Among them, the key ones at present stage are the fight against the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic; measures aimed at adaptation of migrants, provision of financial, advisory and other types of assistance to the segments of the population in need. It is concluded that, without the status of a state religious institution, the RCCF largely at its own expense duplicates the social functions of the state, carrying out its activities in the field of social responsibility in the areas most relevant for the society development. Based on the results of the calculation of the ratio of territorial concentration / diversification, it is confirmed that the cult infrastructure of the RCCF (parishes) is evenly distributed throughout the country, which creates an opportunity for everyone to take part in religious ceremonies and events not related to cult activity, and for those in need - to use numerous resources, offered at the parishes of the RCCF. Research results can be used by government and public authorities while developing and implementing measures related to church-state relations.


France, roman catholic church, social responsibility, economic activity, religious organization

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IDR: 140293602

Список литературы Social significance and some manifestations of economic activity of the dominant religious institution: the roman-catholic church of France

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