Socio-philosophical analysis of the problem of improving the professional skills of the future dentist: deontological aspect

Автор: Gazgireeva L.Kh., Gazgireeva A.A., Gazgireeva M.A.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Образование, воспитание и просвещение

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.18, 2024 года.

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In this article, from the standpoint of social philosophy and bioethics, the professional aspect of mastering competencies by a future dentist is analyzed. The authors of this article present real cases from the practice of treating patients, since, learning, the modern personality masters the main professional skills, taking into account the main value - not passive (the joy of being), but primarily active (the obligation to realize its only place). In this article, from the standpoint of social philosophy and bioethics, the professional aspect of mastering competencies by a future dentist is analyzed. The authors of this article present real cases from the practice of treating patients, since, learning, the modern personality masters the main professional skills, taking into account the main value - not passive (the joy of being), but primarily active (the obligation to realize its only place). The article reveals the features of dental medicine, in particular the model of the relationship between the doctor and the patient, and also emphasizes the role of innovations in the treatment of patients and a practice-oriented approach during student education. Taking into account the modern trends in the development of the modern personality, it was concluded that it is necessary to develop the involved consciousness in it, relying on such philosophical categories as ethics, aesthetics and deontology, since this kind of consciousness contributes to the improvement of the future doctor of the dental clinic. Moreover, the emphasis is placed on the importance at present precisely of the deliberative (contractual) model of building the relationship between the doctor and the patient, since it is this model that is the most reasonable and reveals the essence of the existential value nature of the formation of professional skills of the future dentist.


Personality, future specialist, dentistry, professional sphere, ethics, aesthetics, deontology,

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305361   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10968291

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