Socio-humanitarian disciplines and engineering education in modern higher education

Автор: Melnikova N.E., Boklagov E.N.

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: Философия

Статья в выпуске: 11, 2024 года.

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Modern digital society grapples with existential questions no less than those faced during previous states and social transformations. Fundamental inquiries about human existence, the meaning of life, and purpose in activity are increasingly resonating within a consumer-driven society. The recognition of the challenges posed by a technogenic civilization compels us to focus on social institutions capable of formulating and systematically implementing responses that adequately address these challenges. The digital environment, which dictates the demand for engineers, does not negate concerns about the human aspects inherent in professionals - namely, university graduates. This is substantively reflected in, and communicated through, the curriculum of social and humanitarian disciplines. This article examines the experiences derived from domestic and foreign research regarding the place and role of social and humanitarian disciplines in the professional preparation of engineering students. Based on the large-scale material of the above mentioned research results published in scientific journals and conference proceedings, a comparative analysis of humanization and boosting of the humanities practices in engineering education is carried out, common and special approaches are identified, trends and problem blocks are outlined.


Higher education, engineering education, boosting of the humanities, humanization, interdisciplinarity, social responsibility, trends of humanization, trends of boosting of the humanities

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IDR: 149147068   |   DOI: 10.24158/fik.2024.11.10

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