Social and cultural conditions for the development of the creative potential of the head of the institution of additional education for children

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In the presented article processes of introduction of innovations in system of additional education of children are analyzed. Based on the continuity of the traditions of extracurricular education and the experience of cultural and educational work, modern trends in the development of the sphere of additional education are singled out. The key figure in introducing innovations into the practice of additional education for children is the leader, his creative potential largely determines the system development of the institution of additional education for children. Creative potential of the leader is a personal resource of creative consciousness and thinking, organizational abilities and motives of creative activity. This potential is realized in the professional and pedagogical activity of the leader, who needs mastering the basics of pedagogical skill and organizing creative interaction among all subjects of the educational process.


Creative potential, pedagogical management, socio-cultural activity, head of the institution of additional education for children, innovations, socio-cultural conditions

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IDR: 144160728

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