Social and professional mobility and secondary linguistic personality of a linguist

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The relevance of studying the phenomenon of social and professional mobility is due to a fact of a necessity on the social and economic level in the scale of not only Russia but also European countries. The paper claries the scope of «professional mobility» in psychological and pedagogical literature. The author’s position on the notion of social and professional mobility in relation to professions in the sphere of Linguistics is viewed. Proposed by the author the structure of social and professional mobility of linguists identies the following components: cognitive, communicative-actional, adaptive and reexive ones. The cognitive component includes knowledge about the language, communicative - actional one comprises abilities to realize oneself within the framework of the dialogue of cultures, adaptive and reexive includes actions associated with personal and professional reection and adaptation to new working conditions. The author considers involvement of the secondary linguistic personality of a linguist into the implementation of intercultural communication. The relationship between the social and professional mobility of linguists and secondary language personality is dened.


Social and professional mobility, linguistic personality, secondary linguistic personality, communicative act, intercultural communication, world view

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14239986   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2015-3-128-137

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