Social field of education: heuristic potential of Bourdieu's theory

Автор: Vasilenko Inna Viktorovna, Koneva Nina Dmitrievna

Журнал: Logos et Praxis @logos-et-praxis

Рубрика: Социология и социальные технологии

Статья в выпуске: 6 (26), 2014 года.

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The article is devoted to the substantiation of the heuristic potential of the theory of social space (field) by P. Bourdieu in the study of education and its active participants - teachers of secondary schools. The approach of Bourdieu is critical to understanding the education as a field, as structural and genetic construction that allows to consider the place and role of the modern Russian teachers in the development of the education system in Russia in the context of current reforms.

Social space, dual nature of agents, three-level analysis, habitus, degree of borders institutionalization, value and meaning of knowledge, certificates and diplomas, social value of positions, biographical trajectories

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IDR: 14974683

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