Socio-economic assessment of the use of nature-like nanotechnologies for the reengineering of the technosphere

Автор: Belozerov V.V., Nikulin M.A., Belozerov Vl.V.

Журнал: Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal @nanobuild-en

Рубрика: Problems of using nanomaterials and nanotechnology in construction

Статья в выпуске: 2 Vol.14, 2022 года.

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Introduction. Recently, the term “nature-like technologies” has appeared in the everyday life of scientists and politicians, which quite deservedly include the so-called alternative energy sources (sun, wind, heat). At the same time, despite the fact that installations using these sources are “seasonal” and low concentrated, their use is rapidly and haphazardly developing, and many economists and politicians mistakenly consider them as basics, misleading business. Based on the analysis of the epistemology of the origin of the term "nature-like technologies", this article shows the groundlessness, and even the harm of the rapid and unsystematic use of wind turbines. Evidence is given of the inconsistency of the "myths" that Nature cannot cope with the compensation of the economic activity of mankind, therefore, according to Academician Sergeyev S.M., President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, "reengineering of the technosphere" is required. At the same time, modern economic science is far from taking into account in his models of the assimilation potentials of the biosphere of regions and the functions of entropy production in them, preferring to model various “cycles and modes”, as well as calculate different “coefficients” in order to predict “crises and equilibria”, without taking into account the interaction nature and society. In this connection, a scientific and technical task about determinating the “place of reengineering of the technosphere” in the structure of the life support systems of society, and, consequently, to evaluate its effectiveness. Methods, models and tools. To solve the tasks set, it is proposed to use the “retro-forecast method” of socio-economic losses from the introduction of “natural nanotechnologies”, using as “tools” the method of “spatio-temporal analysis”, model of the Leontief-Ford and adaptive taxation systems of “harm production”, the use of which in solving the problems of fire and environmental safety in the "technospheres of the regions" of the South of Russia (in road transport infrastructures, in cities and towns, in buildings and structures), proved their adequacy to the processes under study and usefulness. Results and discussion. The results of modeling the costs of efficiency of "reengineering of the technosphere" in Russia, in particular individual residential buildings, and a retro-forecast of changes in socio-economic and environmental losses during the autonomy of their resource supply (electricity, water and heat) are presented. It is shown that the production of domestic innovations in this area (“Shukhov’s” wind turbines, atmospheric water condensation devices and electric heating) will allow stopping the “total gasification” of rural settlements, as well as more economically than abroad, to implement decentralized supply of resources in Russia more than 10 million individual houses and about 40 million country houses, thus determining the “true place of alternative energy” in the structure of the Russian systems of electricity, gas, water and heat supply. Conclusion. The proposed approach allows us to determine the place of the socalled renewable energy in the structure of resource supply systems for cities and rural settlements. At the same time, it is possible that the emergence of more productive design solutions of the proposed innovations in the field of wind energy and solar panels will expand the "autonomization" to low-rise and multi-apartment buildings in regional centers and workers' settlements, instead of a major restoration of centralized engineering systems with boiler houses and mini- CHP.


Nanotechnology of autonomy, engineering systems of buildings, fire-energy harm, reliability, quality, safety

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142231194   |   DOI: 10.15828/2075-8545-2022-14-2-119-136

Список литературы Socio-economic assessment of the use of nature-like nanotechnologies for the reengineering of the technosphere

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