Socioeconomic, Demographic and Environmental Factors and COVID-19 Vaccination: Interactions Affecting Effectiveness

Автор: Kargı Bilal, Coccia Mario, Uçkaç Bekir Cihan

Журнал: Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research @bulletensocial

Статья в выпуске: 19 (21), 2023 года.

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This study analyses the relation between people fully vaccinated and mortality to assess the effectiveness of this health policy to cope with COVID-19 pandemic between a sample of 150 countries. Statistical analyses show a positive correlation between share of people fully vaccinated and total COVID-19 mortality in early 2022 (r= 0.65, p-value <.01). These results suggest that COVID-19 vaccinations cannot be a sufficient policy response to eradicate the overall negative impact of the new infectious disease in society. Although high levels of vaccinations in some countries, many demographic (density of population), environmental (air pollution), technological (equipment of non-invasive ventilators), biological (new variants), socioeconomic (health expenditures) factors, etc., influence the diffusion and negative effects of COVID-19 pandemic society. This study can provide new knowledge to improve crisis management and the preparedness of countries to cope with or prevent future pandemic crisis and negative effects in socioeconomic systems.


COVID-19 pandemic, Vaccination campaign, Health policy, Innovative technology, Fatality rate, Policy responses, Air pollution, Temperature, Wind speed, Variants, Health expenditures, Density of people, Crisis management

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14128266   |   DOI: 10.52270/26585561_2023_19_21_83

Текст научной статьи Socioeconomic, Demographic and Environmental Factors and COVID-19 Vaccination: Interactions Affecting Effectiveness

JEL: O33; Q01; Q16; Q18.

Список литературы Socioeconomic, Demographic and Environmental Factors and COVID-19 Vaccination: Interactions Affecting Effectiveness

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