Socio-cultural functions of higher school in the space of dialogue of cultures

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The object of study in the article is the space of dialogue between cultures, formed within the framework of the paradigm of multipolar development, which focuses on the set of systemic functions of higher education, ensuring, by strengthening the intellectual potential, the adaptability of society to modern challenges. As empirical material, widely known historical facts are considered, which are often ignored within the Euro Atlantic theoretical discourse as unimportant, but are of decisive importance for the formation of a multipolar paradigm of cultural development. The methodological basis is a synthesis of structuralfunctional and sociocultural approaches of Russian culturology. A special instrumental method was chosen to use the technique of deconstruction, which implies understanding new content by incorporating known facts and meanings into a new context. Placing the historically formed socio cultural functions of higher education in the current context of the dialogue of cultures within the frame work of a multipolar development paradigm emphasizes the interconnection of its key system forming elements and the principles of strengthening its subjectivity in modern society


Multipolar paradigm, dialogue of cultures, space of dialogue, structural-functional approach, sociocultural approach, higher school, sociocultural functions, subjectivity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144163001   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-1117-8-14

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