The content of some heavy metals in wheat grain

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Cereals since ancient times occupy an im-portant place in human nutrition, being available source of micronutrients, protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins. The most common grain crop in many countries is wheat, widely used in the manu-facture of various types of foodstuffs, cosmetics, medicines and forage for farm animals. Due to the presence of a large number of beneficial to human body substances in its composition, wheat strengthens immune system, creates powerful bar-rier to the development of cancer. The main prod-ucts of most of Russian residents are bread, bakery products, flour, grain and macaroni. In Russia wheat is in the lead on cultivated areas, received crop and export. Depending on soil, climatic and natural conditions of separately taken region there are priorities in the cultivation of this cereal. Pos-sessing big fund of lands of agricultural purpose, Russia is compelled to consider adverse conditions of climate, geographical position and other features of environment significantly complicating successful development of agriculture. High-quality prepara-tion of the soil before crops is of great importance for receiving big yield. Having weak root system, wheat whimsically depends on phytosanitary condi-tion of the soil and cultures cultivated before it. It is preferable to have as predecessors corn, buck-wheat or leguminous plants sating the soil with ni-trogen, promoting accumulation of digestible nutri-tious elements. The observance of biennial break in wheat rotation, autumn ploughing treatment also increases the resistance of soil to moisture accu-mulation, reduces the number of weeds and harm-ful insects, which is beneficial to productivity.


Heavy metals, wheat, environmental monitoring, the vicinities of krasnoyarsk

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