The sun in the traditional world Khakasses (from the end of XIX mid XX century)

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The article is devoted to the reconstruction of mythological beliefs Khakases. Human life of traditional society was completely dependent on the surrounding nature. Throughout the centuries, through empirical experience, he was able to adapt to different environmental conditions. In this process, the emphasis was on the observations of many natural objects and phenomena. Among them was given the key to the sun. It is a natural source of light and heat. The sun is the main measure of space and time. Were convinced that the way of life on earth is based on rhythms of the sun. Correlated with the solar cycle of economic and other activities. Rational beliefs about him were inseparable from the irrational. The space object was perceived as a human being endowed with the highest sacred force. The image of this saint in touch with the general ideas of fertility, prosperity and harmony. This contributed to a regular, and often – ecstatic worship her. They believed in the ubiquity and persistence of the sun. It has had a decisive influence on the formation of the ritual practices associated with the views of the life and death of a human, soul, destiny, wealth, justice, etc. These factors high symbolic and functional status of the sun in the culture of Khakassia.


Khakas, beliefs, myth, ritual, sun, moon, man, shamanism, spirits, destiny

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IDR: 147218842

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