Some isomorphism results on commutative group algebras

Автор: Danchev Peter V.

Журнал: Владикавказский математический журнал @vmj-ru

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.14, 2012 года.

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We prove certain results pertaining to some isomorphism properties of commutative modular group algebras and briefly review a paper by pointing out some obvious mistakes and essential incorrectness.

Group, ring, group algebra, isomorphism, splitting group, p-смешанная группа, p-mixed group, totally projective group.

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14318377

Список литературы Some isomorphism results on commutative group algebras

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  • Danchev P. V. Isomorphism of commutative group algebras of closed p-groups and p-local algebraically compact groups//Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.-2002.-Vol. 130, № 7.-P. 1937-1941.
  • Danchev P. V. A note on the isomorphic modular group algebras of abelian groups with simply presented components//Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci.-2004.-Vol. 57, № 12.-P. 13-14.
  • Danchev P. V. Isomorphic modular group algebras of semi-complete primary abelian groups//Bull. Korean Math. Soc.-2005.-Vol. 42, № 1.-P. 53-56.
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  • Danchev P. V. Notes on the isomorphism and splitting problems for commutative modular group algebras//Cubo Math. J.-2007.-Vol. 9, № 1.-P. 39-45.
  • Danchev P. V. Isomorphism of modular group algebras of abelian groups with semi-complete $p$-primary components//Commun. Korean Math. Soc.-2007.-Vol. 22, № 2.-P. 157-161.
  • Danchev P. V. Notes on the isomorphic modular group algebras of $p$-splitting and p-mixed abelian groups//Proc. Roman. Acad., Ser. A: Math.-2008.-Vol. 9, № 1.
  • Karpilovsky G. Commutative Group Algebras.-New York: Marcel Dekker, 1983.
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