Some physical characteristics, kinetic equilibrium and performance level of the vertical jump of volleyball players
Автор: Hamed Yousif Hameed, Zahra Shehab Ahmed, Sareeh Abdul Kareem Al-Fadhli
Журнал: Физическая культура, спорт - наука и практика @fizicheskaya-kultura-sport
Рубрика: Теория и методика спортивной тренировки
Статья в выпуске: 1, 2012 года.
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Some physical characteristics and saving the kinetic equilibrium of the volleyball players in the process of artistic performance of the vertical jump are discussed in the article. It is considered that the effectiveness of the competitive artistic performance of the vertical jump directly depends on the skills of volleyball player to control his movements quickly, to keep his kinetic equilibrium, to implement harmonic movements of legs, arms and trunk status during rushing and flying. Games of volleyball players of the first degree clubs in Baghdad are analyzed and proved that the character of agility, speed and ability of muscles play the main role in the performance level. Hence it is necessary to pay great attention to improvement of training programs for kinetic equilibrium.
Physical characteristics, kinetic equilibrium, to control ones movements, the first degree clubs, agility, speed, artistic performance of the vertical jump
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 14263751
Текст научной статьи Some physical characteristics, kinetic equilibrium and performance level of the vertical jump of volleyball players
1 – The research problem and its Importance
In order for the athletes to arrive to the best level of the sport, in various sporting events, they shall pass through a number of aspects of preparations; some of which are physical, skilful, planning, and psychological. The performance is featured with vertical jump, whether in the application of the movements of crushing flapping or the repulse wall with the multiplicity of factors that contributes to their performance. Among these factors are those with regard to the psychological and artistic aspects that increase the effectiveness of the competitive performance of this high- level competitive kind of sport in the international and the Olympic arena, which are also related to many of the stimuli atmosphere of competition. The skills of crushing flapping and crushing sending out, along with the repulse wall are characterized by the ability of the players of the vertical jump which is performed in a specific area of the movement and in front of an audience, so it requires the player to be at a high level of multiple artistic performance, which includes all stages of the performance of these skills. This makes it imperative for the player to quick control his moves through performing rapid movements and the change in body position and in the conditions of its parts to a special artistic status that enables him to perform the effective rising performance in a specific height and to exert good efforts to achieve the highest height possible. The international law forces the player abide by the rules of the game, which make it necessary for the player to be characterized by balance, fitness and quick rising and performing this properly with avoiding touching the net, highlighting. This makes the compatibility of nerves and muscles so important and it also features the precision and the ability of muscle. (19:17)
So the two researchers deal with an important component of physical preparation, which affects the level of vertical jump performance; that is the kinetic equilibrium, defined by Nelson (22: 125) as the ability to maintain balance during the movement.
Hirst (21: 66) indicated that the kinetic equilibrium is important and necessary, especially for the sports that require movement in a narrow space with a change in motion path which the player may lose his balance and hence it should be necessary for him to restore this balance quickly to start a new movement.
Shaffer (10: 233) adds that the equilibrium is the real zero point for each direction of movement in space. Some scientists noted that the equilibrium falls within the kinetic elements that must be considered when teaching and learning any kinetic skill due to its importance not only during the performance of the movement but also in the consistency and in the ends of movements before and during coming down.
According to the researchers, this is shown clearly in the implementation of movements of up indicated and down when performing the stages of vertical jump. The movements of the two legs and the trunk status during the rushing and flying and the harmonic movements of the arms are all movements associated with the level of performance of this skill on one hand, and they are associated positively with the character of agility, speed and the ability of muscle (14: 68 ). Alden also shows that the equilibrium is one of the most important components of the high kinetic capability.
It is noteworthy that Mohammed Sobhi Hassanein, says that the ability to control body movements include the timing and rhythm and balance. This means the perception of place and direction of movement. (17: 125).
On the other hand Allawi and Radwan (14: 155) mention that the distinction of the athletic individual of good equilibrium contributes to his ability to improve and upgrade the level of performance for many of the movements or the situation in most sports activities.
The skills of crushing flapping and crushing sending out, along with the repulse wall are characterized by their influence on the various systems and organs of the human body to ensure consistency and integration in the movement during the performance of these different basic skills. The skilful performance depends on the ability of the player to shape the conditions of his body in the space and ability to use the powers appropriately and correctly for the type of movement.
The Gravity plays an “important” role in influencing the balance of the body during movement on the performance of many of the artistic skills such as the performance of forward skills of volleyball and what the performance consists of. All this requires training not for the artistic performance only, but also in increasing the sensitivity of the neuromuscular system to work with the gravity and against it so that the body remains in the best degree of balance during the performance, whether in the maintain the constant balance or preventing the body from falling or recover balance after losing it, which helps the player to have efficiency of muscle during the performance (1: 143).
Khatir (1: 155) indicates that the advanced level in the growth of the balance allows the individual to have the possibility of speed mastering the artistic aspects of the types of sport movements to be performed easily and at a high level of artistic performance. In this respect, Safiya Ahmed (8: 186) referred to a statistically significant positive relationship between the equilibrium and the level of performance in the subject of gymnastics. And also with the results of the study of Samira Dardiri (7: 122) she concluded that the dynamic equilibrium element is important in the high jump competitions, because it contributes significantly to raising the level of performance and the progress of digital level as well.
1.2 The Goals of Research
This research aims to:
Identify the relationship between the kinetic equilibrium and the level of performance of certain movements, of crushing flapping and the sending out of volleyball.
Identify the relationship between the kinetic equilibrium and the physical characteristics.
1.3 The Research Assignments
1. There is a direct relationship between the kinetic equilibrium and the degree of the performance level of the basic movements for the research sample. 2. There is a direct relationship between the kinetic equilibrium and the physical characteristics. 1- 4 The Research Areas
The human area: A group of volleyball players in the clubs of Baghdad
The time area: 2005
The place area: the hall of the Faculty of Physical Education – University of Baghdad.
1 – The Research Procedures:
3-1 the approach used: the use of the descriptive approach
Table No. (1)
Specifications of the sample and the homogeneity
Torsion |
Standard error |
A |
S - |
variables |
2,14 - |
1,43 |
1,16 |
21,29 |
Age |
0,321 |
0,933 |
7,58 |
166,19 |
Length |
0,220 |
0,871 |
7,08 |
50,21 |
Kinetic equilibrium |
0,313 |
4,78 |
0,388 |
8,16 |
Fitness |
0,467 |
3,323 |
0,269 |
4,52 |
Speed |
2,888- |
1,592 |
12,935 |
84,66 |
Ability |
0,415 |
0,354 |
2,878 |
28,515 |
Performance |
The table above indicates the center account, the standard deviation, the standard error and the torsion for all the variables under study.
3-2 the research sample:
A random sample was selected from the volleyball players for the first degree clubs in Baghdad, and who have already learned and gained skills in crushing flapping. They are consisted of (12) players. The following table shows the sample specifications and homogeneity.
By studying this table, it is clear that the values of torsion, which give an indication of the distribution of the variables to be from +3, ranging between (-2.888), and (1.302), and this means that the distribution moderate for the sample individuals in the variables selected.
3-3 The Research Tools:3.3.1 The Physical Tests
– Test of the average of the kinetic balance
– Test of 30 meters running race to measure the transitional speed
– The Sargent vertical jump test to measure the ability of muscle
– Test of 9-3-3-6-3-9 to measure fitness
3.3.2 The Skill Tests
– Test of the performance evaluation (a special evaluation form)
3-4 Reconnaissance experience:
A Reconnaissance Experiment was conducted on (4) players of volleyball outside the research sample who have already practiced volleyball sport in order to calculate the validity and reliability of all data.
The table No. (2) indicates that all the correlation coefficients are high and this confirms the stability of the tests used by the researcher, who calculated the correlation coefficient between the first and the second applications. The table also shows that the coefficient of the self– honesty is the square root of the coefficient of consistency, which indicates the sincerity of the tests under study.
3-5 Data Collection:
The researcher applied the tests of kinetic equilibrium, and then he applied the tests of physical and skill characteristics to the research sample.
4 – Presentation and Discussion of Results4-1 Results presentation
The table shows that the correlation coefficients between the kinetic equilibrium and of the agility, the speed and the ability are statistically significant at the 0.05 level and between the kinetic equilibrium and the level of skill performance of the beating are statistically significant at the level of 0.01. And that the correlation coefficients between fitness and the speed, the ability of muscle function and performance level are statistically at the level of 0.01. The table also shows that the correlation coefficients between the ability of muscle function and performance level of skill are statistically significant at the level of 0.01. The results showed also that correlation coefficients between the speed and the ability of muscle function and performance level are statistically significant at the level of 00.01. The
Table No. (2)
This table shows the coefficient of consistency and self– honesty to the variables of the study
Dimension Coefficient |
Kinetic equilibrium |
Speed |
The muscle ability |
Fitness |
Performance |
Coefficient of consistency |
0,86 |
0,87 |
0,73 |
0,62 |
0,74 |
Self– honesty |
0,93 |
0,093 |
0,85 |
0,79 |
0,86 |
Table No. (5)
Statistical Description of the Variables of the Study
variables |
Kinetic equilibrium |
Fitness |
Speed |
Ability |
Rise |
Passing |
Drop |
Kinetic equilibrium |
- |
– 0,281 * |
– 0,251 * |
*0,364 |
**0,332 |
**0,329 |
**0,329 |
Fitness |
- |
- |
**0,458 |
**0,405 |
– 0,665 ** |
– 0,484 ** |
**0,502 |
Speed |
- |
- |
- |
-0,342 ** |
**0,44 |
**0,362 |
**0,397 |
The muscle ability |
- |
- |
- |
- |
**0,328 |
**0,346 |
**0,433 |
Performance |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
*0,258 |
*0,323 |
R= At the level 0,05= *0,250 and at 0,01= **0,325
results showed the correlation coefficients are statistically significant between the performance level at the level of 0.050 and also between them at the level of 0,010.
Discussion of the results:
The existence of these relations between the kinetic equilibrium and the physical attributes and the performance level of the skill of crushing flapping, as shown in table (5) is due to the enjoyment of the research sample with a high degree of kinetic equilibrium, and therefore one can take control of his movements and adjust his position in all the external stimuli in order to achieve a high degree of performance. The player who is characterized by kinetic equilibrium can excel in sports activity that he practices.
The relationship between fitness and kinetic equilibrium is statistically significant, which is an inverse relationship. The researcher believes that this inverse relationship indicates the effectiveness of both the elements of speed and agility measured in time. The less time, the high performance level of the player will be who has kinetic equilibrium and the ability to mobilize the effort to make energy so that he can achieve a high level in the elements of speed, agility and precision.
The relationship between the level of performance of crushing flapping and speed, muscular ability and fitness is statistically significant as these qualities are important as physical requirement when applying these skills.
These relationships between the kinetic equilibrium and speed and agility show that the speed of movement of the player of crushing beating changes with the changing of the situation at the performance and according to the balance of that player, whether during his movement in the air or on the ground.
The relationship also emerged as statistically significant between the ability of muscle and the level of performance of movements. The researcher believes that this relationship indicates that the volleyball player is distinguished with rapid ability to control his body during the performance and to take advantage of the speed whether it was the speed of the likely leg or the arms and the trunk movements when performing movements of up and flying, which confirms that the ability of muscle is among the important elements of volleyball players.
5 – Conclusions and Recommendations5-1 Conclusions
There is a direct relationship between the equilibrium and the level of performance of basic skills in volleyball.
There is a direct relationship between the kinetic equilibrium and the ability of muscle; while there is an inverse relationship between the equilibrium and agility and speed.
There is an inverse relationship between emotional stability and speed and agility.
Having interest in training programs for kinetic equilibrium, leading to high level performance for the skills of volleyball which are characterized by high-performance vertical jump movements.
The necessity to paying a great attention to training programs for kinetic equilibrium in the areas of training and teaching.