Doubt as a method of self-identification

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The article deals with the category of doubt. Reflection of doubt may not adequately respond to the feedback of the interlocutor, and flash of insight at a meeting with the miracle of the transcendent world. But you can, however, Express a doubt of the sacred secret and to open the soul for "thief." In our scientific research the object of study is the civilizational faults "East-West". In the context of this article, doubt, as well as other virtues such as loyalty and sacrifice for the sake of the Motherland are drowned out by Western ideologists through the planting of Mercantile values. East let and poor, but slowly moves in traditional ways to the glorification of the eternal and pure truths. At this stage of development of thought any degree of inadequacy and originality is admissible. Understanding and recognizing something by a person is often prone to prejudices that cause him to question this or that information. The duality into which the consciousness flows, according to Abdulin, is the "intermediate position" of hermeneutics, it follows that its main task is to clarify the conditions under which the comprehension of the truth takes place. The truth itself is revealed in the process of understanding the phenomenon. Thus, we can assume that doubt is the correlation of opinions, ideas about something through action. In the scientific and philosophical understanding of "doubt" acts as a protective mechanism of consciousness.


Skepticism, doubt, contradiction, identification, consensual war, self-identification in psychology

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