State, prospects of development and improvement the oncological help to the population of samara oblast

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For development the strategy of improvement the regional system of oncological service in Samara oblast the assessment of quality of medical care to oncological patients during 2003-2012 is carried out. For assessment the quality of medical care the indicators of incidence, active identification, early diagnostics, neglect, mortality, indicators of provided medical care volumes (number of visits, hospitalization, operations, rehabilitation services), and also indicators of observed survival were used. In the region against steadily high incidence of malignant new growths negative tendencies of mortality growth aren't overcome yet. The models of active cancer detection and model of hi-tech specialized medical care to oncological patients, developed and introduced in practical health care allowed to achieve positive tendencies in indicators of quality of diagnostics the malignant new growths and provided reliable tendencies of growth in all types of indicators of survival. It is established that the complex of anticarcinogenic actions directed on early and timely identification of malignant new growths has to become priority activity of oncological service in Samara oblast. Among them: introduction of essentially new methods of oncological diseases early diagnosis with high specificity and sensitivity; increase in number of control diagnostic testings with efficiency assessment which is carried out therapies; introduction of innovative methods of treatment with higher rates of efficiency and minimization of complications. Integration of the latest techniques of early diagnostics and treatment of oncological patients into innovative organizational solutions will provide execution of the most modern standards of diagnostics and treatment at the main localizations of cancer that will lead to improvement of indicators of survival and quality of life of cancer patients.


Model, malignant new growths, specialized hi-tech medical care, oncological patients, quality of diagnostics, survival, strategy, regional system, oncological service

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IDR: 148102325

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