The status of vascular-platelet, cytokine, hemocoagulation homeostasis at pregnant women in early stages of physiological gestation

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In comparative aspect it was studied vascular-platelet, cytokine, hemocoagulation homeostasis at 42 healthy pregnant women in the I trimester of gestation, the group of comparison was made by 33 healthy not pregnant women. It is proved that at physiological pregnancy the complex of factors of “physiological damage” in the form of nonspecific inflammatory reaction owing to formation the hemochorial type of platsentation is balanced with “mechanisms of gestational adaptation”, as defines permanent nature of compensatory and adaptive processes in embryo (fetal)-placental complex with pathological reorganization at action of the damaging factor.


Pregnancy, physiological damage, gestational adaptation, endothelium activation, platelets, cytokines, apoptosis, inflammatory reaction

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148101971

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