Cooperation between universities and companies, globalization of education in the field of management: european perspective

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The globalization of the economy has accelerated the process of internationalization of both enterprises and business schools, as well as educational and research material in the field of management. Business schools and companies have long collaborated with each other at the national level and face the same challenges in the process of internationalization. At the school level, the process of internationalization includes a new formulation of research objectives, teacher selection policies, teaching techniques and overall strategic intent. Most schools have strong national roots and, at the same time, a fair desire to compete internationally. This circumstance explains the role of amalgamation and cooperation agreements, as well as the successful role of the international network in management education, which ensures the development of student exchange programs, obtaining a double degree and joint leadership training projects. Independent business schools are actively seeking international growth opportunities as they are less constrained by national laws and funding requirements than their university-based counterparts. Finally, businesses and schools have great potential for cooperation in their country while joining forces to ensure the development of the regional economy and increase the attractiveness of the region.


Management education, university-enterprise cooperation, internationalization, teacher recruitment, cross-cultural management, regional development

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IDR: 142227543   |   DOI: 10.15826/umpa.2018.02.012

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