Improving the processes of organizing the management of low-rise construction by the example of the residential complex "Crystal park"

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Abstrаct. This article is devoted to the study and analysis of the processes of organizing the management of low-rise construction using the example of the Crystal Park residential complex. In the context of modern challenges and requirements for construction, special attention is paid to optimizing management processes, increasing the efficiency of resource use, and improving the quality of work performed. The article examined the main problems and challenges that management companies face when organizing the construction of low-rise buildings. Particular attention is paid to identifying problematic issues and bottlenecks that can slow down the project or lead to inefficient use of resources. The study allows us to better understand the features of low-rise construction management and develop recommendations for improving management processes in this area. The results obtained can be used to improve the efficiency of construction management and optimize costs using the example of a specific residential complex "Crystal Park" and similar objects. The company "Crystal Development" is currently constructing the cottage village "Crystal Park" in the Irkutsk district of the Irkutsk region. When designing and constructing a village, the company uses BIM construction management technology - building information modeling. The essence of this technology is the creation of a digital model of the project, which allows you to quickly monitor the construction process at all its stages.


Индивидуaльное жилищное строительство

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IDR: 170203154   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-2-156-163

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