The improvement of wheat grain processing technology on rotary and bladed husker

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The research objective was the improvement of technology of wheat grain processing on the basis of a new design of rotary and blade working body of processing equipment. The results of the research performed for the purpose of the improvement of the technology of processing of wheat grain on developed rotary and bladed husker were presented. The processes of flaking wheat grain using existing technologies were investigated, the main constructive shortcomings of serially let out processing equipment which were at wheat grain flaking by serially released flaking cars to use abrasive working bodies up to 20-25 % of the grain mass were removed. A new technological scheme allowing making a stage-by-stage of grain flaking with division of flaking production into fractions in the form of fruit and seed shells, aleyron and subaleyron, germ and endosperm was developed for increasing the efficiency the processes of flaking. The main requirements to a new machine design for flaking wheat grain consisting in creation of a new working body allowing making processing of the grain on resource-saving technology were formulated...


Wheat grain, improvement of technology, patent researches, kinematic scheme, rotor-blade peeling

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IDR: 140248920   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-3-157-163

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