Improvement of introduction and cultivation technology of isolated tissues of grape plants under in vitro conditions

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The purpose of research is to improve the technology of clonal micropropagation by selecting an effective sterilizing substance and modifying the nutrient media used for growing grape varieties in vitro. Objects: technical grape varieties Granatovyj, Dostojnyj and Krasnostop AZOS. The experiment was carried out on the basis of the selection and biotechnological laboratory of the SKFNTsSVV, Krasnodar, 2020-2022. Merisystems of grape genotypes measuring 0.3-0.5 mm in size were used as initial explants in in vitro culture. Research methods are generally accepted in the practice of clonal micropropagation of plants: sterilization of the starting material, introduction into culture, clonal micropropagation itself, in vitro rooting with subsequent adaptation to in vivo conditions. The most effective method of sterilization of the substances under consideration turned out to be immersion of grape explants in a chlorine-containing solution (50 %). The proportion of aseptic viable explants was 53 %. It has been established that the best medium for the development of grape genotypes is a modified nutrient medium according to A.N. Rebrov’s prescription. Survival of microplants on a modified medium according to A.N. Rebrov with the addition of growth regulators 1.0 mg/l 6-BAP + 0.5 mg/l IAA was 29.4 % for the variety Granatovyj, 31.2 % for Dostojnyj and 41.5 % for Krasnostop AZOS.


Grapes, in vitro, meristem, sterilization, nutrient media, biopotential

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305303   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-2-30-35

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