Modern choreography as a universal means of forming a creative personality

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Subject of the article: creativity and creativity as a process of development of a choreographer's personality in choreographic art. The object of the article: choreographic art and its special role in the development of a creative personality. The purpose of the project: to update information about the methods and forms of plastic work of choreographers in professional choreographic collectives. This article focuses on the fact that creativity and creativity in modern dance are the main base, which in turn forms an active creative personality. In the conditions of the modern world, where special attention has recently been paid to the development of human creative activity, the creative process is one of the main lines on which innovative transformations are built and implemented. A creative personality can develop in many ways, and modern dance is one of them. They identify the stages of its development on the example of the work of the most famous choreographers, as well as innovative.


Choreography, creativity, creativity, choreographer, modern dance, performance, improvisation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148326425   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-90-54-58

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